

Educated in Bulawayo ,Zimbabwe. Lived in both Zimbabwe and South Africa most of my life from the age of 5. Born in the UK from Yorkshire. Now resides in Ireland were I have lived here on and off between South Africa and here in Ireland for several years.
Studied and researched the UFO subject in South Africa.Gained police
references for some of our work in the various fields. Studies now lead into the direction of " Time Research" and the possibility a different
angle needs to be looked at in regards to the UFO subject which has led me into various areas of study.

Has travelled extensively all over the world.



Qualified formally under IAH now IAPH.

The International Association of Pure Hypnoanalysts (IAPH) is dedicated to the professional and ethical use of Hypnosis allied to the practice of Psycho - Analysis, for the treatment of nervous disorders and emotional problems. The association is a non-profit - making organisation whose Members have followed a course of training in Psychotherapy, Analysis and Hypnosis which enables them to specialise in ‘Hypno-Analytical therapy.

A Code of Practice and Ethics of the highest order bind members of the Association. They have satisfied an Examination Board of their knowledge and level of competence and have undertaken to abide by the Rules of the Association. Members have agreed to discharge each and every client from treatment at the earliest possible moment consistent with that client’s good care. Members are also bound to an ongoing programme of Continual Professional Development (CPD).

(IAPH), PO Box 417, Cambridge, England, CB2 1W



Evaluation Centre for UFO reports ECUFOR-South Africa and Ireland

Founded in 1982 and based on the need for a serious and co-ordinated effort to investigate numerous UFO sightings in SA, ECUFOR has documented many UFO reports and has been successful in resolving some of these as misinterpretations of natural occurrences. However, in so doing ECUFOR has also documented a number of cases that despite thorough investigation, have remained unidentified.

ECUFOR, through its non-profit and privately financed research has strived to offer the public a place where, regardless of the absurdity of the occurrence, the witnesses involved will be treated with respect and understanding and with the assurance that what they have to recount will be taken note of, not as an item of sensationalism, but that through ECUFOR's investigative efforts, a serious and professional attempt will be made to analyse and evaluate the information presented while affording the witnesses all means of confidentiality if they should so wish.

It is one of ECUFOR's goals that the results of its evaluations be made available to interested members of the public because we believe people have the right to know the truth and the facts of this perplexing phenomena which in many cases has been shrouded in mystery and misinformation yet none the less has affected persons of all creeds and circumstances.

ECUFOR is dedicated to finding the truth

Special Interests in:
+ Time Technology Research
+ Time Displacement Phenomena
+ ETI Research.